
Change we can all believe in

Every election cycle, politicians woo the electorate promising to end their problems with a flurry of legislation (or lack thereof). Yet it becomes apparent shortly after election day that the problems facing the nation won't go away so easily.

That reminds me a lot of my life. Often, I promise to do better — and I might even succeed for a couple of weeks — but before long, I'm back to the old me. My feeble attempts at morality might look spiritual, but in the long run, human effort accomplishes a net gain of zero.

Lately, God has been doing an awesome work in my life. You know when Jesus shows up because things truly change. Drug addicts clean up, alcoholics dry out and sinners repent. This way I know that it was the Holy Spirit's touch, and not my effort. I have to pray every night that God doesn't let me screw it up.

This is the change that truly makes a difference. People can write checks with their mouth that their actions could never cash. That's why I leave it up to the Almighty.

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