
What me worry?

I'm ashamed to say how often I worry. You're probably ashamed to admit it, too. Why? Worry seems like a natural part of life — like smelling the flowers or laughing at a joke. For a Christ follower, however, it's never considered a virtue. In Matthew 6:19-34, Jesus unloads perhaps the most profound statements about worry in the entire Bible.

Often, I worry about money and finances. It's not easy to admit, but it's true. I believe money is one of the biggest battlegrounds in our hearts — it's why Jesus mentioned it so often. Greed is a powerful force. It destroys lives, starts wars, corrupts good men and can eventually bring entire nations to ruin. If we can turn away from greed's influence in our lives, I believe God can do incredible things through us.

Turning my finances over to Christ is one of the most difficult things I've done as a believer. It's where the rubber meets the road. It separates the real followers from the fakers. It's a matter of me saying, "I really believe in this Jesus stuff." Of course, it's not going to save anyone, and you can never buy your salvation. But it's a matter of giving back to Christ in an attitude of thanksgiving and obedience.

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