
Stuck like glue

I'm constantly reminded of the need to stick to Christ. John 15:5 ("Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing.") is one of the most relevant scriptures in my life right now.

Since most of us don't live an agrarian lifestyle, I like to use the analogy of a light bulb. By itself, it really doesn't serve a purpose. It's not until it's connected to a live light socket does it become useful. It's a lot like my life. When I remove myself from the Source, aka Christ, my life doesn't shine like it should. I don't have the power to maintain the level of holiness in my life that I need. I don't feel the drive or conviction to push myself to do what should be done.

I think what's dogged much of my 11-year walk with Christ is the feeling that my salvation depends on how little I swear or look at porn or how much I pray or read scripture. I don't think, until recently, my heart attitude has been addressed, and my walk has suffered accordingly. This is why staying close to the Source is important.

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