
A warm welcome back. Again.

After being a prodigal son several times over, I'm tempted to think that I've burned through my last chance. Humanly speaking, it's easy to get angry at someone who breaks off a relationship repeatedly. Divorce lawyers bank their careers on this practice. Yet when I come back to Jesus, I'm surprised at the warmth of the reception when I finally return. And that's just from the church.

The prodigal son parable is one of my favorites because of its redemptive message. The son steals off with half his fathers wealth, blows it all on prostitutes and booze and comes back stinking of pig feces. Instead of brow-beating the son, the father throws his arms around him and throws a huge party.

On one hand, I'm thankful for a God who's willing to show such mercy and forgiveness. On the other, I'm ashamed at my pride and ungratefulness. I'm grateful for God's mercy, but I can't get caught like a bridesmaid without enough oil for her lamp.


  1. One of my favorite parables. I'm eternally grateful that Jesus came to redeem us of our past and not to reject us because of it ... whether that past was ten years ago or ten minutes ago, it's inconsequential because His grace will always cover a repentant and sincere heart.

  2. Definitely, D. Thanks for the comment!

  3. I think it's important to remember that He never changes. He NEVER changes. We can be fickle and turn away in a second flat, but He always loves us, never leaves us or forsakes us, and truly...I imagine that He stares lovingly at us just waiting for us to turn around and come back to Him.

    Don't grow weary, Mike. It's worth the fight. The race is worth the Prize! Press on.

    I'm right here beside you, walking with you, urging you on toward our Jesus. If you need me, reach out and take my hand dear brother.

  4. Thank you, Sara, for the awesome words. :)
