
Weary of worry

These days, there's no shortage of things to worry about. Since I've worked at a newspaper, I've been acutely aware of this. I don't have to remind you of the headlines that come across my desk every day. That's on top of the personal problems you might face on a daily basis. Worry is the one natural resource Americans won't run out of any time soon.

So when Jesus talked about worry, he chided followers for getting caught up in it. Perhaps the most famous admonition about worry is Matt. 6:34: "So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today." I'm reminded of how much I struggle with that scripture — especially when God requires a faith that's almost reckless by worldly standards.

God wants us to walk a tightrope of faith that stretches across the Grand Canyon of doubt. There's no safety net — just the reassurance of a Heavenly Father that he will catch us if we fall. He wants us to be 100 percent vulnerable and dependent on him. From an outsider's perspective, it's moronic. Some folks can trust God with a few prayers, but they're hedging their bets. They'll still continue to battle the problem from a carnal standpoint.

I continue to struggle in terms of tithing. God wants 10 percent, but I'm reluctant to give at all. This time, however, I realize that I can't let worry and fear stop me from living the life God wants me to. I'm worried and stressed, but I'm working on giving that up to Jesus. After all, one of the things that Jesus said to his disciples was, "Ye of little faith." I'm thinking it wasn't a term of endearment, but a sigh that grieved his spirit. I say it's time to keep pressing ahead.

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