
Lowe's ad controversy

One news story's been a veritable buffet for thought lately. It concerns the retailer Lowe's and its decision to pull ads from a reality show called "All-American Muslim." If you're unfamiliar with this, the story is here.

Truthfully, my knee-jerk reaction was to support the decision by the retailer. Lowe's is a private business, and they have a right to advertise where they want. Also, non-Muslims face much worse persecution in Islamic countries. People of other faiths are treated as second-class citizens in these nations. Granted, there have been some incidents of persecution of Muslims in America since 9/11, but it can hardly be compared to what happens to religious minorities in Islamic countries. I also remember the anger and outrage I felt on 9/11 and how Osama bin Laden was honored like a rock star in some nations.

On the other hand, I question whether this is a godly attitude to have. Would Jesus — who asked us to pray for our enemies — approve? Is my pride and arrogance in the way? Is it right to hold a grudge against an entire group of people for the actions of a tiny minority? If we were to use that logic, then Christians would just as easily become pariahs. And if some groups are persecuted in Islamic countries, do we want to repay that evil in our own?

A few weeks ago, I watched the show. It was interesting to see how Muslims balance their religious practices in a Western society — and it showed that Muslims don't spend all their time plotting the destruction of America. Programs like this can help us grow in understanding and respect for other cultures and/or religions, even if we may not agree with them. After all, it's harder to hate someone if you get to know him.

As for those who disagree with this post, all I can say is read what Jesus said in Matthew 5:

43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. 46 If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? 47 And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? 48 Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.

Also, what the apostle Paul said Ephesians 6:2:

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

When we make enemies out of our neighbors, it makes it easier to push them from Christ — this is in direct opposition to the Great Commission. If we're kind only to those we agree with, does that show that we've been changed by Jesus? In the end, I want my life to be remember for what I loved, not what I hated.


The end is nigh?

Recently, I read a story about how in just 2011 alone, America had more billion-dollar natural disasters than in all the 1980s combined. Some attributed the freakish weather to man-made climate change. Other incidents were mere freak chance. Reading that story, I was reminded about how Jesus described the end times in Matthew 24:
6 "And you will hear of wars and threats of wars, but don’t panic. Yes, these things must take place, but the end won’t follow immediately. 7 Nation will go to war against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in many parts of the world. 8 But all this is only the first of the birth pains, with more to come."
Looking at the state of the world, I'm reminded that scripture proves itself to be true, even centuries after it was written. Of course, I don't look on these disasters flippantly. They're heartbreaking and frightening to see, much less experience, and the church needs to reach out and love those affected.

But it's not just the weather. If the past few years has taught me anything, it's that government and industry — the two systems that we've trusted in for centuries — make terrible gods. Even our love of religion has led us down a dark path. We're more dedicated to tradition than the Savior. And our foxholes of denominations and spiritual cliques seem to bind the hands of Christ.

I'm convicted that I don't make the Kingdom the highest priority in my life. I've floundered in my walk. I've shown a horrible example to the world. He needs hands and feet, and I just seem to be a hangnail. Jesus doesn't need pew potatoes; he needs holy warriors that will love radically. There are too many tares among the wheat already.

In the end, it's not about what type of church you go to (so long as the doctrine is sound, of course). It's about showing the love of Christ to a hurting world that will see a lot more pain in the coming years. Hope and change doesn't come from ourselves; it comes from above.


Promising too much?

I'm wading into piranha-infested waters, but I think this will be a subject where too many Christians (including me) lose focus. Politics, as Ronald Reagan said, was the world's second-oldest profession, bearing a strong resemblance to the first. In my quiet time the past few days, I've been reading the books of 1 & 2 Kings. One of the things that's always stuck out in those books was the spiritual lives of the kings. One king would do amazing things for God. Another would be so wicked that he would sacrifice his own children to idols. In the end, both the nations of Israel and Judah were plundered, and the people were sent into exile for their wickedness.

So what do ancient kings and modern-day politicians have in common? In the end, they'll let us down. In 2008, being duped into the "hope and change" meme, I thought Barack Obama would turn things around. Not to slam the president, but he was grossly overestimating his powers as commander in chief. The past three years has been a reality check for the nation. After January 2009, we still faced the same problems.

The GOP presidential candidates lately have made similar grandiose promises. Some would have us believe that they'll get the economy humming in a matter of months. Many of those candidates are tied to billionaire activists who are trying to get favorable legislation passed. I'm not holding my breath for great change on the Republican side.

To tie this together, I'm reminded that we'll always be let down by our leaders from time to time. Some presidents (or kings) can be great; some may be terrible. In the end, our hope isn't in a political party, but a Savior. Our hunger for a political savior runs deep. The apostles, when they were with Jesus, expected him to be a political messiah. In fact, when Jesus said he would have to die, Peter rebuked him! In the book of Judges God told the nation of Israel not to pine for a king, warning of numerous hardships that one would bring. God wanted to be their king!

I rarely see the fruits of the spirit when people start discussing politics. If most discussions degenerate into childish name-calling and insults, can it be of Christ? Can we trust a millionaire's club to have our best interests at heart? In the end, I know that our King is greater than our problems and fears. Jesus is the one that gets my vote.


Will Power and Self Control

Those are two guys that don't show up at my dinner table too often. In all honesty, I've realized that a lot of issues I have stem from my lack of both. Whether it's eating too much or spending too much money, I'm reminded that I definitely have issues to work out in this area of my life.

Recently, Proverbs 21:5 was brought up at church: "The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty." To me, this says that we need to have a plan and have the integrity to follow through with it. Conversely, it says that our haste (the New Living Translation uses the word "shortcut") can bring us down.

Looking at my life, I can see the damage that haste and poor planning has caused. It's not an easy or comfortable thing to bring up, but it's important to see where I've come from and where I'm going. Making sacrifices, planning a course and following through is a long journey. But it's one that I pray that God will let me make.



Today in my quiet time, I was reading 1 Kings 3, the passage where King Solomon asks God for wisdom to govern his people. It's one of my favorite stories from the Old Testament. In it, Solomon was just crowned king of Israel, and he was concerned with the responsibility that he faced. Rather than pray for riches or death for his enemies, he asked God for wisdom to govern his people properly. God responded in force, making Solomon the wisest king of the Old Testament and increasing his wealth many times over.

So what does this mean to me? It's one of my favorite stories because it admonishes us to check our heart conditions. Often, we're praying for wealth, power or status with little concern for God's Kingdom. Jesus tells us to "Seek first the Kingdom of God ... ." So we see in scripture that God rewards those who keep their priorities in order.

Sadly, it can be tough to maintain. Later, we read that Solomon's heart eventually drifted from the Lord, and the Kingdom was torn in two after he died. It's a reminder that "seeking first the Kingdom of God ... " isn't a sprint, but a marathon.

Weary of worry

These days, there's no shortage of things to worry about. Since I've worked at a newspaper, I've been acutely aware of this. I don't have to remind you of the headlines that come across my desk every day. That's on top of the personal problems you might face on a daily basis. Worry is the one natural resource Americans won't run out of any time soon.

So when Jesus talked about worry, he chided followers for getting caught up in it. Perhaps the most famous admonition about worry is Matt. 6:34: "So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today." I'm reminded of how much I struggle with that scripture — especially when God requires a faith that's almost reckless by worldly standards.

God wants us to walk a tightrope of faith that stretches across the Grand Canyon of doubt. There's no safety net — just the reassurance of a Heavenly Father that he will catch us if we fall. He wants us to be 100 percent vulnerable and dependent on him. From an outsider's perspective, it's moronic. Some folks can trust God with a few prayers, but they're hedging their bets. They'll still continue to battle the problem from a carnal standpoint.

I continue to struggle in terms of tithing. God wants 10 percent, but I'm reluctant to give at all. This time, however, I realize that I can't let worry and fear stop me from living the life God wants me to. I'm worried and stressed, but I'm working on giving that up to Jesus. After all, one of the things that Jesus said to his disciples was, "Ye of little faith." I'm thinking it wasn't a term of endearment, but a sigh that grieved his spirit. I say it's time to keep pressing ahead.


A warm welcome back. Again.

After being a prodigal son several times over, I'm tempted to think that I've burned through my last chance. Humanly speaking, it's easy to get angry at someone who breaks off a relationship repeatedly. Divorce lawyers bank their careers on this practice. Yet when I come back to Jesus, I'm surprised at the warmth of the reception when I finally return. And that's just from the church.

The prodigal son parable is one of my favorites because of its redemptive message. The son steals off with half his fathers wealth, blows it all on prostitutes and booze and comes back stinking of pig feces. Instead of brow-beating the son, the father throws his arms around him and throws a huge party.

On one hand, I'm thankful for a God who's willing to show such mercy and forgiveness. On the other, I'm ashamed at my pride and ungratefulness. I'm grateful for God's mercy, but I can't get caught like a bridesmaid without enough oil for her lamp.


Back again

I haven't looked at my last post to see when I last wrote it, but it's been an embarrassingly long time. So what happened? Needless to say, I slipped off the spiritual wagon for a while. It's humbling to admit that I failed so quickly.

Let's rewind: About August 2010, Christ got a hold of my heart in a mighty way. It was like being born again — again! It was as if years of spiritual malaise had been erased, and I was finally making Kingdom headway again. I joined a home group, went to church weekly, did daily quiet time and devotionals, allowed God to change my attitude and speech — I was really gaining ground. Yet something happened during the winter. The spark got snuffed almost as quickly as it had ignited. I felt like Matt. 9:22 had happened in my life ("The seed that fell among the thorns represents those who hear God’s word, but all too quickly the message is crowded out by the worries of this life and the lure of wealth, so no fruit is produced.")

I spent the better part of that time since then living in a place of indifference and cynicism. Once you shut Christ out of your life, it's easy to ignore how he's blessed you. I wrote off a lot of blessings in my life as coincidence. I was wandering dangerously close to agnosticism or atheism. Of course, I don't mean to disrespect those who don't believe in God, but I know who I am, and that person is in Christ.

So what makes me think I believe in this "God stuff" anyway? Why bother running back into Jesus' arms? The answer is simple: Because I know he's real. I know the change that happens when I'm close to him. I know how I push people away when I turn from him. I know the mistakes that I make when I don't bother to pray, attend church or study scripture.

So I'm left with a harsh reality: I've failed. Consistently and totally. Willingly. Yet I'm reminded of Luke 17:4:
"Even if that person wrongs you seven times a day and each time turns again and asks forgiveness, you must forgive.” God expects us to forgive each other, even if it's seven times a day. So how much more can we expect God to forgive us and take us back when we're willing to humble ourselves?

There's a saying that always helps keep me going, even though it's cliche: A failure isn't someone who falls down, but someone who refuses to get back up. I may have failed in the past, but I refuse to be a failure.