
A bunch of junk

Last night, I was watching this TV show called "Hoarders." As the name suggests, it's about people who keep so much stuff in their homes that it becomes a serious problem. It wasn't easy to watch; one family had so many dirty clothes in their house that it carpeted the entire floor. The husband nearly went into convulsions when they tossed stuff that was nearly worthless. The most shocking was a woman who had hoarded food. Perishable food. The inside of her home was full of rotting vegetables. She seemed visually upset when it was about to be thrown away. She argued and tried to reason rather than let it be tossed.

I can see how we would have a hard time relating. After all, researchers are finding that hoarding is a psychological disorder rather than a bad habit. But as I was watching the show, God reminded me how that is my spiritual life. I have a habit of hoarding things that are poisonous, yet I refuse to let God get rid of it. Not only that, but the sinful nature is more ingrained in me than the instinct to hoard is to the folks in that show. In Romans 7:18, it says, "And I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature."

At the end of the show, the households were given the opportunity to have the homes cleaned by a group of professionals. They had to part with their junk, or face serious consequences (the couple faced losing their children; the woman was threatened with eviction). Are we ready to open up our doors and let God remove the junk? The best solution is to let go in our hearts of anything that's poisonous or can get in the way of our walk with Christ. After all, we face more serious consequences than just an eviction or even the loss of children.

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