
How to have a lousy spiritual life

I can't hide the fact that the past couple years — especially up to a month or so ago — I have nearly obliterated my witness in Christ. Right now, I'm slapping myself upside the head wondering how I could have given God the finger for so long.

If there's one thing I've learned from this, it's how not to walk with Christ. But should you really want to try it out, there are several great ways to suck.

1. For heaven's sake, don't read your Bible. What does that dusty old book know except how to have a great life? Jesus said that he came so that we can have life and have it more abundantly.

2. Make sure you shut yourself in and let bitterness fester. There's nothing like isolation to make your life miserable. Friends and family? Who needs 'em?

3. Hang around or listen to bitter and angry people. If you really want your life to suffer, tie yourself up to a sinking ship.

4. Definitely don't bother with prayer. Connecting with the Creator of the Universe won't help you become a loser. Be sure to blame him for all your problems, too.

5. Having an attitude of thankfulness is for winners. If you want to suck at life, be sure to find fault with everything.

6. Try and fit in a few cuss words in every sentence. Make a game out of how quickly you can wear out the f-word. Make sure the elderly and children are within earshot.

7. Definitely don't darken the doorstep of a church. Finding a great, spirit-filled church is a bad idea if you want your life to be a complete train wreck.

8. Expect everything to be about you. Look out for No. 1. But remember that putting down is how the experts live lousy lives.

Of course, no one wants to follow the list above. But it's almost how a life apart from Christ can fray your sanity and give you a seriously messed-up attitude. If you don't believe me, give Jesus a shot for yourself.

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