
The value of community

When it comes to our religiosity, we often forget that community extends far beyond a Sunday morning. When I went back to church for the first time in months, one of the first points of the message was that we can't go it alone. There are no solo warriors on the spiritual battlefield.

The simplest way to victory is to outnumber your opponent. It's a tactic Satan uses quite effectively. We think that church attendance, groups and friendships aren't necessary. When we get by ourselves, the enemy can feed us every type of lie possible. Soon enough, we believe what he's saying to us. With no one to counter these lies, they take root easily in our hearts.

In Hebrews 10:25, it says, "Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another — and all the more as you see the Day approaching." I've never taken that verse seriously enough. I've always wondered why the author threw in the line, "as some are in the habit of doing." In the Darby translation, it says, "as the custom [is] with some." It's among the many bad habits that can shipwreck your faith, as I've discovered.

Right now, I'm glad I have a bunch of people in my life who hold me accountable and pray for me, as I can now return the favor. Without them, I don't know where I'd be. I believe that most of the things we strive for are things that will earn us acceptance in the world — money, fame, looks, etc. We've lost focus of the things that really matter: Godliness, integrity, positivity, kindness and patience. These are things that God has been working into me, and I'm so grateful.

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